Després d'un estiu realment esgotador, per fi puc dir oficialment que estic de vacances!!! Aquest període ha estat força estressant així que necessito desconnectar, descansar i recarregar piles pel que queda de l'any. My look Inspiration s'en va de vacances però en uns dies ens tornem a veure per aquí amb nous looks, noves tendències i alguna sorpresa, ús espero a tots a partir del 16 de setembre, moltes gracies per tot, sense vosaltres això no seria possible.
Gracies pels vostres comentaris.
After an exhausting summer, I can finally say that I'm officially on holidays! This period has been quite stressful so I need to disconnect, relax and recharge batteries for the remainder of the year. My Inspiration blog is going on holiday too, but in a few days we will meet again here with new looks, new trends and some surprises. I wait for everyone on 16th September. Thanks to everybody for everything, without you this would not be possible.
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After an exhausting summer, I can finally say that I'm officially on holidays! This period has been quite stressful so I need to disconnect, relax and recharge batteries for the remainder of the year. My Inspiration blog is going on holiday too, but in a few days we will meet again here with new looks, new trends and some surprises. I wait for everyone on 16th September. Thanks to everybody for everything, without you this would not be possible.
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