Avui fa exactament un any que My Look Inspiration va néixer i es va endinsar en el món de la blogosfera. Ja sé que només és un nadó, però en aquest any m'ha donat moltes alegries, he conegut gent meravellosa i he après moltes coses.
Un blog es podria comparar amb una planta, dia a dia l'has de regar, mimar i cuidar, però sobretot has de ser constant (cosa que aquests últims mesos jo no he estat), i al final arriba el millor de tot, la feina feta dona el seus fruits i és tant gran la satisfacció que no és pot explicar amb paraules, gràcies a tots per estar aquí cada dia, espero que pugui ser per molts anys.
Exactly one year ago today My Look Inspiration was born and delved into the world of the blogosphere. I know it is only a baby, but this year has given me a lot of joy, I met wonderful people and I have learned many things.
A blog could be compared with a plant every day you have to water, pamper and care, but mostly you have to be constant (which in recent months I have not been), and in the end, the best of all, work done now and the result is both great satisfaction that can not be explained with words, thanks to everyone for being here every day, I hope that it will be for many years.